
Thursday, March 13, 2025

6 Key Tips For Planning Office Lunch Catering In Springfield OH!

Office Lunch Catering


Businesses of all sizes are organizing office lunch catering, because this keeps teams efficient and happy each workday. After all, no one actually likes scouring their office’s neighborhood just to get a quick bite to eat while on the clock!

Catering office lunches provides all sorts of benefits for business teams, but planning out office lunch catering is typically a lot easier said than done. This is why we’ve teamed up with the Office lunch catering Springfield OH specialists at Rudy’s Smokehouse to give you some key tips about these types of planning strategies.

So, if your business is thinking about starting a lunch catering menu, check out the below sections to see what you should be keeping in mind!

Catering Setup Is Crucial

Whether you’re planning a daily catering program, a one-off lunch meeting or a special event, the ways in which you go about setting up your menu and eating area will significantly impact your team’s overall dining experience.

For instance, lunch meetings aren’t necessarily oriented around eating food; however, catering a lunch meeting should still offer tasty options. If your office has certain constraints like a lack of utensils or table space, lunch could be at the forefront of the meeting in all the wrong ways. You won’t want team members being distracted due to balancing plates on their knees or not having enough space to take notes during your meeting, because what’s being discussed is obviously your main focus.

On the other hand, if your entire office is enjoying a catered lunch, your spread will need to be conveniently set up in an open area where lines can flow smoothly without any bottlenecks. No one wants to wait too long for office lunch catering, because this type of investment is typically all about efficiency in the first place!

Make Your Office Lunch Catering A Special Team Event

It’s also a good idea to add some extra features to your office lunch catering on top of the actual food, and this could include hiring a special guest to give a speech or performance for your staff members.

Maybe this can be a time for your staff to ask questions to executives in a more relaxed atmosphere, or maybe you can show some business-friendly content that gets everyone excited!

Establish & Maintain Office Lunch Catering Deadlines

Most office managers juggle dozens of tasks simultaneously, and chasing lunch orders shouldn’t be one of those many tasks.

This is why it’s always better to create an organized schedule around your office lunch catering, which includes daily/weekly ordering deadlines. This keeps your team accountable when it comes to sending in their order requests on time, and it makes everything a loteasier on organizers who don’t want to scramble to get lunches perfect!

Don’t Be Afraid To Outsource Your Catering Needs

It can be tough to guess how much food your office needs for a catered lunch, and this is particularly the case if your business is rapidly growing.

The good news is that most catering teams and restaurants can do a lot more than just provide tasty food, because they can also help you out with ordering, scheduling, tracking shipments and payment options. This can be monumentally important for office managers that need some stress taken off their backs!

Working with outsourced catering teams also opens the door to reaping the rewards of their experience and expertise. This means that they’ll do the heavy lifting on your behalf when it comes to planning menus and all sorts of other logistics.

Don’t Forget About Picky Eaters & Allergies

Every office lunch catering menu must keep food allergies, diet restrictions and dietary preferences in mind—because it’s never fun when someone’s appetite is ruined due to poor planning!

This is why organizers should create a spreadsheet or signup sheet that includes every team member’s name and diet details. This information can then be sent to caterers and restaurants while placing orders, which can be huge for accommodating team members with allergies and other restrictions.

Create A Standby Ordering List

And when it comes to record keeping associated with office lunch catering, it’s also a good idea to create a standby ordering list when you aren’t given specific information from everyone while scheduling your team’s next meal.

This type of list essentially provides details about each team member’s go-to ordering options and favorite lunch choices, which can be valuable information when they can’t be reached while you’re ordering. This type of default order information supports companies of all sizes, and this is especially the case when certain team members are very busy!

Reach Out To Rudy’s Smokehouse When You Need Office Lunch Catering In Springfield OH!

Although office lunch catering can seem like a logistical nightmare, it’s actually really fun and rewarding when you stay organized and simplify your catering as much as possible.

The above planning tips are just the beginning in terms of what you might need to keep in mind for your company’s unique catering needs, and if your office is located in Springfield OH, then you just so happen to have a ton of awesome catering options easily available to you.

One of the top-rated office lunch catering restaurants in Springfield is Rudy’s Smokehouse, which is widely considered to be one of the best BBQ restaurants in all of Ohio. You can speak directly with the catering team at Rudy’s when you click on the link to their website located at the top of this page!

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